This is a set of ten toys, including a first-generation Pokémon and Pokeballs. This Pokémon toy set is a great example of how to connect our world to our Sims. Toys like this, which I would have loved to have played with as a child (or even now, let’s be honest), are just the very best for me. When the real world meets the Sims world, it’s one of my favorite things to do. So I thought new CCs for the little ones in my family would help me hold my interest a little longer.īelow are some of the best CC furniture and decoration modes for kids, some of which will completely change the way you play.
How often do you play with the Sim family to see them grow and expand? I know, when I’m on my laptop for Sims 4, I personally have a hard time staying with my family for more than a few days (in real time) before moving to another family.